Are there good cops? I'm sure there are plenty. But, they don't nullify the actions of the bad ones. A police culture has been cultivated in this Nation which allows for the systematic abuse of citizens and the regular cover-up and minimization of the offenses by police departments when the offenses come to light. That is one reason why the average citizen, regardless of ethnicity, feels instant fear and/or trepidation when they have any reason to interface with a police officer. You never know for certain when being pulled over for minor issue, such as a seat belt infraction in this case, that you won't be shot. Even after the citizen, Levar Jones, had his hands up, Trooper Sean Groubert was still shooting. Ironically, Jones was even apologetic toward the officer after being shot.
Amazingly, in the situation shown in the video above, it appears that the officer is now actually being held to account for his actions. Only when police are regularly punished for violating the rights of citizens and stop seeing themselves as the "masters" rather than true public servants will the overall situation change in this country.
This situation is rides on the tails of several recent, unjustified killings of citizens by Police that have hit major media sources.
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