Friday, November 28, 2014

Check Out My Ebay Store on Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, or Cyber Monday!

Link to Brother Luke's Treasures Ebay Store

Hey Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, AND Cyber Monday shoppers! Brother Luke’s Treasures ebay store has 500 items 15% off WITH free shipping to the USA today through Monday! Everything from vintage clothing to new electronics and all in between. When you shop our store, you’re directly supporting a small, family business, putting food in my kids’ pie holes, and supporting my flunkie entrepreneur/writer lifestyle… PLUS you get really cool stuff at a great price! WIN/WIN!
My store is a Top Rated, Power Seller store with GREAT customer service and FAST shipping! Shop our store from the comfort of your home OR on the go with the Ebay app, without the crowds to deal with or worries about the possibility of getting shanked in a Black Friday battle at a “big box” store.
AND, for you Pinterest peeps, peep this out! It is our store’s Pinterest page :) Happy shopping!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Picking Bukowski’s Nose (An Original Poem Typecast)

“Picking Bukowski’s Nose” -Photo by Luke Austin Daugherty
Copyright 2014- Luke Austin Daugherty, All Rights Reserved

Monday, November 17, 2014

On Sadness...

It is the damnedest thing... Sometimes it just hits me, seemingly out of nowhere. Real, palpable sadness.
I have never dealt with true depression in the clinical sense. The kind that you can't wiggle and twist your way out of no matter what you do. That brand of deep, lasting, and relentless sadness that just clings to your mind like unkind, cold, rain-soaked clothing to your crying skin when you're stuck outside in a storm, locked out of your own house, banging on the front door to be let in, with no one inside to hear your desperate plea.
I have a few good friends that struggle with that kind of depression. I am very sorry that they do and very thankful that I don't.
But sadness, we all deal with that to a greater or lesser extent.
I am quite a happy guy in general. Optimistic too, but not to the point of self-delusion.
Yet, even with my normal, sunny disposition, sadness can creep into me at times. It is usually unexpected and visits at its own leisure, no appointment having been made ahead of time.
That was the case late tonight, or rather, this very early morning, only a bit after midnight. Nothing has the ability to stir my deepest parts like music. As I was doing a bit of ebay listing after the kids went to bed, I popped my earbuds in to listen to some tunes without keeping anyone awake. I listened to a bit of this and that on YouTube: Flatbush Zombies, Yelawolf, Kid Astro, etc, etc. I list fastest when banging hip-hop and rap in my ear holes.
Then, as I was finishing up, I randomly clicked over on, "Brick," by Ben Folds Five. That was all it took. By the time I got to Regina Spektor, not with any intention of bringing on a cathartic experience, the sadness came to visit. It really didn't have anything to do with the songs specifically. Just a flurry of micro-memories, flickers of past moments, thoughts, anticipations, and the utter and unavoidable gravity of just existing hit me all at once. Not only that, but the fact that it all goes away some day. Much like the arrival of sadness, mortality doesn't tend to make appointments either.
As I have been editing the second draft of my new book, "Love is the Middle," about my relationship with my deceased father, memories of him are frequent. Tonight, the reality of my current life, part of which includes the void his death created, came to mind. The overwhelming joy of being a father to my five kids crashed right into my lament over being a fatherless son like dissonant chords. I also considered the fact that one day, my wife and the love of my life, will either leave me behind on this side of death's veil or I will leave her. (A desirable and tidy Notebook movie ending aside). Altogether, three things hit me at once: sadness over lost people that I love, knowing what I love now will not always be, and as Christopher Hitchens once eloquently said about death,
"It will happen to all of us, that at some point you get tapped on the shoulder and told, not just that the party’s over, but slightly worse: the party’s going on — but you have to leave. And it’s going on without you."
So, what can we do when those truths about our mortality, our love, our loss, and more losses to come show up front and center? How do we handle the times when our feelings of joy, happiness, and contentment are interrupted and invaded by sadness?
I will give you the best advice I have, right from "behind the lines" of some present sadness in real time... Embrace it. Don't shuck it off in a premature fashion. Let it burn a while and do its work. Sadness, even the deepest sadness, is a necessary part of life. In a strange, ironic way, it is a good part of life. Not the best part by far, but a good part. Sadness is an honest friend, reminding you and I not to take time, things, and most importantly, people, for granted. Sadness says to us, "Friend- you will not have all of this forever. It is only for a while at best. So, wring your life out for every last drop, bitter or sweet. Many billions have come and gone and do not have the present privilege of treading on the lively side of the green grass on this earth. You do. Don't waste this moment. Don't waste this day. Love someone. And, by the way... don't forget to start with yourself."
Thank you, sadness, for stopping by. I didn't expect to see you today, but it has been real. 
- Luke
I'll leave you good people with a song. Before I decided to share all of this with you kind friends and strangers, "How," hit me right in the feels.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

AMAZING! Humans Land Philae Space Probe on a Comet! Go Science!

Philae Lander Space Probe Tweet By ESA
Philae Lander Space Probe Tweet By ESA
Amazing news! Thanks to a ten year mission by the European Space Agency, the unmanned Philae Lander has landed on a comet travelling 41,000 mph through space some 4 billion miles from earth! Talk about hitting the bull's-eye! It is truly astounding to me that we have come from the first manned flight of an airplane to this in barely over one hundred years. Humans can accomplish marvelous things when we work together utilizing all the tools that science has to offer!
Please visit the link below for more information:

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

2 Songs for Veterans Day and Happy Birthday to the Marines! (Video)

It's Veterans Day! I tip my hat to you vets of all ages out there! Also, yesterday was the 239th birthday of the Marine Corps.
I was honored earlier this year to sing my song, "Ballad of an Old Soldier," for the Indy Honor Flight WW2 vets. It was inspired by veterans in my family and WW2 vets that I used to have on my oxygen route when I was in the home healthcare industry during my early twenties. Several of them would share their memories of the war with me unprompted and I was glad to listen. I even had two men who lived less than a mile from one another who had been in the same battle. One served in the Navy and the other in the Marines. They did not know one another, and due to HIPAA regulations, I could not tell them about one another. Yet, their experiences from WW2 and attitudes toward them were very similar.

I wrote, "Afghanistan,"  for younger veterans about seven years ago. I was a driver for a moving company at the time and delivered an international shipment to a Marine who was fresh back from the war. As he shared some of his experiences with me, I said, "You know, you really don't see a hell of a lot about Afghanistan on TV anymore. It's all about Iraq." He replied, "Nope. Afghanistan just isn't sexy enough for TV." That conversation inspired me to write this song.

Both songs are available for download on Cdbaby and iTunes:
Ballad of an Old Soldier:
Also, to any of my fellow Americans who strive to maintain freedom and liberty, help others in this life, and make things a little better for all of us in general, thanks to you as well! Just being a kind person, a good mom or dad, purposing to keep growing as an individual, setting a good example for others, and encouraging others in this life is admirable. Many fight for the cause of freedom and liberty from within our own borders with songs, pens, one-on-one conversations, street actions, and social media. Regardless of how you go about it, keep up the good work! -Luke

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Florida Lawmakers Make Feeding Homeless Illegal- 90 Year Old Man Arrested

Ricky Bobby's response to  Fort Lauderdale, Florida lawmakers.
Ricky Bobby's response to Fort Lauderdale, Florida lawmakers.
Due to new laws against "food sharing" in  Fort Lauderdale, Florida, a 90 year old man has been arrested for serving food to the homeless in a public park. Please read the following link for more information:
I have read lots of recent posts on social media decrying this law and the actions of police in arresting Arnold Abbott merely for serving food to hungry people. It is good that people are outraged. This is an issue that ANYONE should be passionate about.
When I was a Christian believer for many years, I thought it was important to help the less fortunate and I did what I could. I'm an atheist now and I believe in helping the homeless just as much as ever and do it when I can. Just two weeks ago, I invited a homeless man to have lunch with me in Indianapolis. We both had a good time and ended up with full stomachs. I suppose if I did the same thing in a public park in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, I may have ended up in jail.
Helping other people is a human value, regardless of the accompanying ideology. Because of that truth, I assert that any lawmaker who, by force of law, would stand in the way of humans helping less fortunate humans is behaving in an inhumane fashion. If they happen to be Christians, they are an offense to the teachings of Jesus. If they are secular, then they are an offense to the values and practices that have allowed our species to move forward across the many centuries due to mutual help and working together for the benefit of the group. If they find themselves in another dogmatic camp, they are likely in error of those teachings as well. I have done a fair amount of study on various religions, and I have yet to find a verse in any sacred text that says, "When ye find people homeless and hungry, do your best to screw them over."
Regardless of our own personal dogma, we should stand in unity against such lawmakers as these, ridicule them publicly, and ignore their foolish laws. They are against humanity. They are against mercy. They are against love. Enough said. No further argument required. And to relevant law officers involved, you have no obligation to enforce these wretched laws. Your duty is to protect the people in your jurisdiction, homed or homeless, and not to oppress them.
Please visit my site below for some related tips on encouraging others on a daily basis:
And this link for a story about a homeless man who shared his beautiful song on a public piano:

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Be Sure to Vote in the Mid-Term Elections Today!

i voted
My "I Voted Today" sticker from the polls today- Luke Austin Daugherty
I made it out to my local polling station with my wife this morning. We intended to miss the heavy traffic there by showing up after early morning voters and before those coming at lunch. Our strategy worked and we were in and out in less than ten minutes :) Not much of a sacrifice to do our civic duty.
I encourage you to make your voice heard today as well! Do your due diligence, inform yourself on your candidates, and vote your conscience. If you don't like any of the candidates, write one it or vote, "no confidence." Just vote. It's not too late to go to your local polling station today. If you don't know where it is, please click this link to find out:
If you need more encouragement regarding the importance of voting in this mid-term election, please watch this satirical, yet important segment from Last Week with John Oliver:

Monday, November 3, 2014

A Damn Fine Handshake (An Original Poem Typecast)

"A Damn Fine Handshake" by Luke Austin Daugherty -copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved

My New Book "Love is the Middle"- Thoughts on Finishing Draft One

A picture my daughter, Lydia, took of me before I left to write this morning.
A picture my daughter, Lydia, took of me before I left to write this morning.
It was a very strange feeling that I had just minutes ago...
I have been working on the first draft of my new book, "Love is the Middle," since January. It is the story of how my deceased father and I grew far apart during my teens and then restored our wanting relationship during my twenties. I also cover the few years after when we were very close, his battle with cancer before dying, and how I adjusted to life after his passing.
As my custom is for writing this book, I go to Steak 'n Shake where Dad and I spent untold hours bullshitting over coffee after we became close again. 100% of my writing of this book has been done at various Steak 'n Shake restaurants, spread out between two states. I have been writing the first draft since January of this year. Since I am not a full time writer, I work in writing sessions between running my own small business, being a husband, father, and singer/songwriter. The flexibility I have has lent itself well to being consistent with writing the new book over the course of the year. Other than during a much needed emotional hiatus  from writing the book for a bit over the late summer, I have worked on it between one and three times per week all year.
It may seem strange to write such a personal book in public. I chose to do so for two reasons: 1. Being in the atmosphere of a place that my father and I spent so much time together has been crucial to facilitate the mood I need to tackle this book now that my dad has been dead for over five years 2. Since I am writing so many difficult and personal things for others to read (and hopefully learn and be encouraged from), I figured that it would be appropriate to do so in the company of my fellow humans.
Writing this book in public has not been without its difficulties. Nearly every writing session, I tackle something that makes me want to cry. I can never anticipate or predict what specifically will cause that. It just happens. As my face sometimes leaks a bit and I become visibly emotional, I trust that my fellow humans around will not judge me as too much of a weirdo.
When I left the house this morning, I was fully purposed. I knew that I was within perhaps only hundreds of words left to write to complete the first draft of the book. With my Harris Tweed overcoat on to protect me from the cold, November morning weather in Indiana and my fully-charged laptop in tow, I lit out from the house for a writing session. After arriving at Steak 'n Shake, I popped up the book file in Word and started to review a bit of the last sessions text before jumping into a fresh writing session. As I did that this morning, I had a strange realization; other than some "afterword" type stuff that I will not write until the book is completely edited and proofed, the book is finished. Well, the first draft anyway.
And then it started to sink in. The book that I anticipated writing for five years, felt that I NEEDED to write, decided to tackle this year, and have now been working on for ten months... is finished. That took a moment to absorb.
I have cooked since I was very young. I love working on a tasty dish: adding the primary ingredients, adding a pinch of this, a dash of that, and tasting for flavor development as it goes. Then, at a certain point, you realize that the dish just tastes "right." Everything that needs to be in it is in it. Adding anything else would mess it up. It takes maturity and experience as a cook to know when your dish is at that point. All you have to do then is let it finish simmering and serve it up for all to enjoy.
After I re-read the last half of what I wrote during my previous writing session, it hit me like a brick that this book is done. The bitter-sweet recipe is complete.
Not to be "all dressed up with nowhere to go" so to speak, I just decided to write a blog about finishing the book as I sip my hot coffee with one cream and one sugar :)
Writing, "Love is the Middle," has been one of the most difficult and rewarding creative tasks that I have ever engaged in. Actually, it has been THE most difficult and rewarding creative task that I have ever engaged in. Now that draft one is finished, I look forward to the editing/proofing process that comes next, as well as formatting and graphics. Self-publishing is an adventure! I truly hope that when finished and published in print and online next year, "Love is the Middle," will "grow legs" and walk around this world a bit. That would make me very happy.
All that said, for the last time reporting from Steak 'n Shake- Luke
To visit my wordpress blog site, click this:

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

How to Make the Best, Easiest, Cheapest Quick Refrigerator Pickles

Ingredients for Quick Pickles – Photo: Luke Austin Daugherty
I don’t know about you, but I LOVE pickles! Not only that, but my wife and kids all love pickles! We can go through a jar of pickles in no time. By that, I mean if a new jar of pickles lasts more than an evening in our house, that jar of pickles should consider itself lucky :)
The trouble is, the really good pickles tend to cost anywhere between $3.99 and $5.49 per 24 oz jar. So, if you love to eat good pickles, it can be an expensive habit. You can get into canning pickles of course, but it can be a tedious process, expensive if you don’t have canning supplies, and not worth it just to make small batches.
We have been making these for years and have tweaked our recipe to find the easiest and cheapest way to make super-tasty pickles quickly in small batches at home.
What I am giving you here is my recipe for basic, but very tasty dill pickles. I will tell you some easy variations along the way. Also, I have tailored this recipe for a single batch of pickles made in a common 24 oz pickle, sauerkraut, or similar glass jar that you can reuse from another purchase. That way, you don’t have to spend extra money on a Mason jar.
You will need:
1. White Vinegar
2. Apple Cider Vinegar (this is optional, but I like the subtle flavor it adds)
3. Tap or bottled water
4. Kosher salt (regular table salt will work too if that is all you have)
5. Fresh garlic bulb
6. White sugar
7. Black pepper or pepper corns
8. A small white or yellow onion
9. One large cucumber (3/4 lb-1 lb) or two smaller
10. Fresh dill or dried dill seed
* You will also need a 24 oz glass jar/lid, a sharp knife, small pan, cutting board, one cup measure, and measuring spoons
Step One:
Mix together 6 oz of white vinegar, 6 oz of water, 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar, 2 1/2 tbsp salt, and 2 1/2 tbsp sugar in a small pan. Heat the solution on medium and stir frequently to avoid scorching the sugar. (If you desire more sweet or salty, adjust the mix according to your tastes. Also, you can use all or part brown sugar instead of white)
quick pickles, step #1
quick pickles, step #1
quick pickles- step #1
quick pickles- step #1
Step Two:
While the solution is heating up, cut up all fresh ingredients, pack them tightly into the jar, and add the pepper/dill. I like to cut 1/3 of the cucumber into 1/8″ slices and 2/3 of the pickle into spears so I’ll have a mix of finger pickles and pickles for sandwiches. You can cut them any way you like.
Thinly slice about 1/2 of a small onion and chop about 3-4 cloves of garlic. After packing all the ingredients into the jar, sprinkle in 1/2 tsp of ground pepper or pepper corns, then add a few sprigs of fresh dill or 1 tsp of dill seeds.
You can also add a pinch of ground mustard, celery seed, sliced scallions, and/or thyme for complexity.
For “spicy pickles,” all you need to do is thinly slice one jalapeno and put in the jar. You’ll have TASTY spicy pickles that are of a medium heat.
quick pickles- step #2
quick pickles- step #2
Step three:
Your pickling solution should be done about the time you are finished putting the ingredients in the jar. Carefully, pour the hot solution into the jar. Make sure the ingredients are all covered with liquid, but leave about 1/4″  of space at the top of the jar. Let the jar cool to room temperature, then put it in the refrigerator overnight or until it is cold. Then, enjoy the best fridge pickles you ever had! Make sure to keep them refrigerated since they are not canned/sealed and not intended for room temperature storage.
Easy Refrigerator Pickles- Luke Austin Daugherty
Easy Refrigerator Pickles- Luke Austin Daugherty
If you are making pickles in a different sized jar, here is the easy way to judge how much water/vinegar you need to start with. If your jar is tightly packed with cucumbers, you will need about 1/2 the volume of the jar in vinegar/water. So if you were using a 1 qt. jar, you’d need 16 oz of solution total- 8 oz of water and 8 oz of white vinegar. Adjust all other ingredients accordingly.
Another thing you can do when you have eaten all the pickles is just add some more cucumbers to the solution. Since it isn’t hot when the cucumbers are added, you may want to let them sit for a couple days before eating for the solution to work into the cucumbers. The onions that are pickled also end up being very good on hamburgers or plain.
Happy pickle making! -Luke
Be sure to follow my primary blog site!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Homeless Man Shares His Beautiful Melody on Piano- A Lesson on Humility and Compassion (Video)

The only real difference between a homeless person and a non-homeless person is a home. People with and without homes can have all the same wonderful personality traits as well as faults, successes as well as failures. Sometimes, people who find themselves homeless may have had great successes at times, but run up against an insurmountable problem that left them on the streets. Other times, addiction may be a driving force. Among all the reasons that a person ends up without a home, that person is just "us" in a different reality. Who knows if the shoe was on the other foot, that you or I would not be in the same situation or worse. Also, some people choose to live a transient lifestyle for more esoteric reasons rather than homelessness befalling them.
Some may protest, "BUT! Many of the homeless have problems and are on the streets because of their addictions to drugs and alcohol!" Sure enough. Some of the "homed" do as well. They just happen to have the luxury of their own roof over their head.
Last week, immediately after leaving the TEDx Indy convention, I met a guy on the street looking for work (honestly) who was homeless. I took him to grab some Steak 'n Shake and we chatted for a while. I have done that same thing on multiple occasions before. I have never had a bad experience. It is rare for many men and women who find themselves living in shelters and on the streets to have a "homed" person relate to them with no condescension. Relating to a homeless person as your honest human equal is a great gift, not only to that person, but to yourself as it requires personal humility and perspective. What you may find when taking a  bit of time out of your life to related to a homeless human is that, not only do you have something to offer them, but that they have experiences and friendship (even if very temporary) to offer you. I have had a few experiences with homeless people during my life that have left a positive, permanent mark on me.
I believe that the small, positive actions we share with our fellow humans can make a huge impact. Please visit my blog site, "The Butterfly Flutter Project," at the link below for more information on having a direct, daily impact for the better. Also, check out this man sharing his melody on piano in the video above. His talents can brighten your day! Thanks for reading, sharing, and have a wonderful day! -Luke

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

NYPD Transit Authority Cops Assault/Arrest Legal Guitar Player (Video)

Given the current state of authoritarian Cop Culture in the USA, would you expect anything less than this? That being, the wasted use of police resources at the expense of an unjustified arrest to appease the self-important, egotistical whims of an NYPD Transit cop. At the end of the day though, if you escape a run-in with the law in America and don't end up shot or beaten, you can count yourself lucky. Merely being unlawfully arrested or given an unjustified ticket or fine is nigh to desirable given the experiences that many US citizens have with law enforcement officers (corporate code enforcement servants) in American weekly. There are plenty of dangerous criminals out there, of course. Yet, regular citizens going about their business are often treated as dangerous criminals.
I have personally been illegally searched before under my protest by aggressive law enforcement officers. I give kudos to singer/musician, Andrew Kalleen, for knowing the law, asserting the law, and standing his ground. Though, after he had proven his case, he was still forcefully cuffed and arrested by a chagrined gaggle of cops...
For more information, please refer to the article below:

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Take that Pence… Gay Marriage for Indiana

DING DONG! THE WITCH IS DEAD! The appeal by the Pence administration to overturn gay marriage in Indiana has failed. Gay couples MUST be allowed to marry in Indiana :)
I am very happy for my fellow Hoosiers who are LGBT and their newly affirmed legal ability to marry. I used to actually be on the other side of this issue. To read my story of what caused me to change my mind, please read this previous blog (and please share):
I also expect the obvious trolling by fundamentalist about how our State has gone the way of Sodom and Gomorrah now, destined to be rained upon by supernatural judgement. Get over it peeps…
By the way, I am an ordained “Universal Life Church” minister and can legally perform marriages in Indiana. If you are an LGBT couple in my area (Central Indiana) and are having a hard time finding a minister to solemnize your marriage, shoot me a message. I would be glad to provide a simple non-religious/secular ceremony for you if our schedules allow. It can be penance for my former bigotry.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Bill Maher Show: Sam Harris vs Ben Affleck Debate- I’m with Sam on this one

Ideas should never be above criticism, particularly religious ones. Though I have great respect for Ben Affleck's acting and humanitarian work, I have to go with Sam Harris on this debate. Islam not only leaves room for violence and oppression, its texts call for it. I am grateful that a great deal of the adherents to Islam, being around 1 billion in the world, have found a more nuanced way to view and practice their faith. Yet, many Muslims take the fundamental dictates of Islam regarding violence very seriously.
Affleck was impassioned in his challenge to Harris. Yet, his indignation, straw men, and non sequiturs added nothing to his argument.
There are several key points to consider about this issue:
1. Islam is not a "race," rather, a religious ideology. Ideas are not above reproach or criticism. People deserve protection, rights, and respect. Ideas are made to be tested, discussed, debated, and even ridiculed. To quote Steven Brutus, "Anything that can't be mocked is dangerous." No idea, philosophy, or ideology should ever be off-limits from being battered like a pinata to see what ends up falling out, for better or for worse.
2. Islamic religious texts not only allow for violence against non-believers, but actually prescribe it. The portion of Muslims who put those admonitions into actual practice (or just agree with them) are not employing strained or fringe interpretations of those religious texts, but literal ones. For a list of such references, click the link:
Not to single out Islam for possessing religious texts with a call to kill unbelievers, as there are plenty of similar verses in the Hebrew Bible & other religious texts. I am no fan of those either. But, it is Islam that is the matter of debate in the video above.
3. Any fundamental and violent faith text or system is an enemy of human progress. ANY text, religious or otherwise, that says, "Kill a person who does not agree with this," is an abomination to humanity. Any or all texts deserve public condemnation. We should all support religious freedom and also the freedom NOT to be religious. But, that doesn't include the right to harm, imprison, or kill others for not agreeing with you.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Keys To Sound Thinking (An Educational Poster)

"Keys to Sound Thinking," educational poster by: Luke Austin Daugherty © 2014
“Keys to Sound Thinking,” is a poster I created to sum up three weeks of homeschooling lessons that I taught my four younger children. I just took a quick picture of it on the wall, so please forgive the imperfect alignment and lighting. I will try to get a scanned version posted asap.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Youth (A Poem Typecast)

Inspired by the book, "Youth," by Joseph Conrad
Copyright 2014 Luke Austin Daugherty- All Rights Reserved

Monday, September 29, 2014

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver on Obama and U.S. Drone Policy

As usual, the “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” team is on point. I don’t have much to add to what John Oliver covered other than a hearty, “Amen!”

Friday, September 26, 2014

A Perfect Example of Why We Fear Those Who Are Supposed To Serve & Protect Us

This is a sad situation... But, not a unique one in the USA. All too often police officers are guilty of intimidating, illegally searching, beating, and even shooting citizens who have broken no laws or only committed minor infractions. 
Are there good cops? I'm sure there are plenty. But, they don't nullify the actions of the bad ones.  A police culture has been cultivated in this Nation which allows for the systematic abuse of citizens and the regular cover-up and minimization of the offenses by police departments when the offenses come to light. That is one reason why the average citizen, regardless of ethnicity, feels instant fear and/or trepidation when they have any reason to interface with a police officer. You never know for certain when being pulled over for minor issue, such as a seat belt infraction in this case, that you won't be shot. Even after the citizen, Levar Jones, had his hands up, Trooper Sean Groubert was still shooting. Ironically, Jones was even apologetic toward the officer after being shot. 
Amazingly, in the situation shown in the video above, it appears that the officer is now actually being held to account for his actions. Only when police are regularly punished for violating the rights of citizens and stop seeing themselves as the "masters" rather than true public servants will the overall situation change in this country. 
This situation is rides on the tails of several recent, unjustified killings of citizens by Police that have hit major media sources. 
For regular updates on offenses against citizens by police and related information, like Cop Block on Facebook:

Monday, September 22, 2014

US and Allies Now Bombing ISIL in Syria

Map of Syria-
Map of Syria-
Based on reports, the U.S. and certain allies have launched a bombing campaign against ISIL targets in Syria. Based on the reports of unnamed officials, all actively participating nations involved, other than the United States, are Arab nations. Though it has not been officially confirmed, those reports assert that Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jordan, Qatar, and Bahrain have participated in the air strikes. Official confirmation or denial of those reports will apparently be forthcoming. The bombings are said to have been primarily centered on the ISIS stronghold of Raqqa in Syria thus far.
The first wave of strikes began at approximately 00:30 GWT and lasted around 90 minutes. More strikes are expected to follow.  Pentagon spokesman Rear Adm. John Kirby said that The U.S. and "partner nation forces" began air strikes on ISIS targets utilizing a combination of bombers, fighter planes, and Tomahawk missiles.
The Pentagon spokesman also said, "The decision to conduct theses strikes was made earlier today by the US Central Command Commander under authorization granted him by the Commander in Chief. We will provide more details later as operationally appropriate."
For more information on the situation, please visit the links below:

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Headed to Friendship, In. – Down by the Riverside (music video)

My ’94 Buick Roadmaster Wagon is packed up and ready to head out. I’m excited about getting to Friendship, In. even if just for the weekend. When I was a teen, I used to go down in June for two weeks and work at a little cafeteria during the summer musket shoot and accompanying flea market events. They have the event twice a year in June and September.
I love getting back as an adult any time I can. For me, it’s like stepping into a time machine. Very little has changed from the 90’s to now. The smells, “feel,” and hospitality are all the same. Today, I’m taking one of my oldest friends and my twin, 14 year old sons. They are the age I was when I went to work in Friendship the first time. If you’ll be down there this weekend, look me up! I’ll have my guitar in tow for jamming purposes and a fresh bottle of Scotch for sipping purposes :)
I have yet to get to the newer, “Whispering Beard,” music festival down there, but plan to next summer.
Here are some links about the town and events if you aren’t familiar:

Monday, September 15, 2014

A Prank Too Far- When Does a Prank Stop Being Funny?

(This blog was first published on my Wordpress site at:

An interesting phenomenon has developed over the last several years via the reach of youtube- the rise of independent, "professional" pranksters. These are creative people who started out small, and due to their consistent and well-filmed prank videos, have reached a certain level of internet fame. For some, that fame and the ad revenue it produces even makes for a full time personal income allowing them more time to focus on their art of creating prank videos.
If you are into the prank videos on youtube, you may know some of the primary pranksters well. Many of their videos go so viral that even if you aren't into watching the pranks, you will see the links posted on various social media sites. Other videos become so popular that they are referenced in major news stories nationally and internationally. A few of the "kings" of youtube prank channels are Jack Vale (the Pooter guy), edbassmaster, Roman Atwood, Vitaly at VitalyzdTV, Tom Mabe at MabeInAmerica, PrankvsPrank, The Scary Snowman, Dennis Roady, MagicofRahat, and others. Some of these pranksters have also learned the trick to being one of the "popular kids" as it were. That is, you team up and tell the populace that the other person is cool too. So, some popular pranksters often team-up to do videos and pranks together. It is brilliant cross marketing and pools their creative resources as well.
These viral pranks range greatly in their nature, style of execution, and subject matter. Some are just goofy "fart" pranks pulled off in public spots, stores, or elevators. See Jack Vale's video's for the best examples of these.
Others are also very simplistic in nature, but always have a great payoff, such as the Scary Snowman videos.
Hey, fake farts and people getting startled have always been and will always be funny. Video pranks will vary from those simple and relatively harmless versions all the way to some very potentially dangerous ones. Some pranksters have also made a real effort to use some of their pranks to benefit others or have done social experiments to raise awareness of some important issues. I applaud the noble efforts of such pranksters to use their art form in the service of helping others to whatever degree they can.
But, there are two other categories of prank videos that I would like to address. Actually, the two have some overlap. That is, pranks that can potentially (or likely) cause harm to the public and pranks that waste the resources of emergency or police services. I was inspired to address this issue after seeing several of those types of videos being discussed by people on Facebook in the last few weeks. It seems that there is a one-upmanship battle going on between the royalty of youtube pranksters. The nature of some of these pranks is getting more ridiculous and/or dangerous. Please know, I am not a "fuddy-duddy" that doesn't get a kick out of a ton of the pranks I see. Yet, in day to day life, I am not a prankster myself. Since I don't like being messed with personally, I don't dish it out either. But, due to the rise of the "professional prankster" some of them think that saying, "IT'S JUST A PRANK!" after doing something crazy in public somehow puts them "on base" from any repercussions.
As a disclaimer and qualifier, I do not condone violence against another person merely over words or insult. I do support defending one's self when you believe that you are in immediate danger, are being actively and physically intimidated, actually attacked, or are defending another person who is in one of those situations. I would assert that some of these pranksters are going too far and becoming reckless in a way that is dangerous to themselves and others with some recent pranks.
Since I have enjoyed watching youtube pranks for years, I have tried to hold back on being too judgmental on some "iffy" pranks that I have seen online. But, the first one I saw from a major prankster, in this case Roman Atwood, that I think definitely crossed the line is the one below:
The "Drive-by Shooting Prank" is just reckless, stupid, and dangerous. If you noticed, one person actually shot back at Atwood's vehicle toward the end of the video. Atwood is lucky that the shooter was a poor shot and no one else had a car handy to chase his SUV down in to return real fire. Here are my main points of contention about that prank:
1. Going to a potentially high-crime neighborhood where people are already on edge and making random people think they are really being shot at is just negligent, unthinking, and lacks compassion. I would like Atwood or any other prankster who thinks such a prank is funny to consider what it would be like to walk out your front door, your small child in tow, to what you think is a real drive-by shooting pointed in your direction. Would that just be "ha-ha" funny? Would that just be all good after your and your child were terrified? I know there was not a small child apparent in the video, but I appeal to Atwood's sensibilities (if he sees this blog) knowing his is a father.
2. The prankster his or herself could actually be injured.
3. The people who believe they are being shot at may assume that they know who is shooting at them: a neighboring gang, a person who they have had trouble with before, etc. and take revenge. Or, they may just go looking for a person who was driving the same kind of vehicle as the supposed shooter to get back at them. That is the type of thing that can happen in the real world.
4. Likely, police or emergency services are called because of such a situation. That wastes resources paid for by taxpayers at large for ridiculous reasons. It also can create a potential investigation that could falsely implicate an innocent person.
The recently posted video just below, "Killer Clown Scare Prank," inspired a lengthy discussion on Facebook last week between quite a few people. (Graphic scenes)
That Killer Clown video is another example of a prank gone too far in my opinion. Many of the comments on Facebook had to do with the assertion that the person commenting would have reacted violently or shot the "clown." Some of that may have been hyperbole, but I would say the majority of the people commenting were being literal. I myself live in a state, Indiana, which has a substantial amount of people who carry a concealed pistol, myself included. It would be reasonable in my opinion, especially in a city like Indianapolis with a crazy murder rate, to fire at a person who you believe is trying to attack you with a hammer, ax, knife, etc. It is inevitable that one of these pranksters engaging in highly irresponsible pranks will eventually be seriously hurt or killed. With so many real tweakers and violent people out there, as an individual on the street, you can't just not act in a situation because there is a 1% chance you may be the target of a prank. Several pranksters have even been punched or slammed to the ground after doing a prank when they faked stealing a person's property or said something highly offensive. Again, I don't condone a violent reaction to words. But, you can't expect to say crazy things to random people in public and not get hit eventually. Of course, it makes for great video and lots of "clicks," so getting hit may be worth it to some pranksters. See the following for an example: (language warning)
Last, I would mention pranks that demean people. Even if done under the label of "helping" these pranks are in poor taste. Sure, people can do whatever they want for the most part and should be able to in making videos. But, I can also share my thoughts. In the following video, helping needy people is done in a way that is demeaning at the same time. If you're going to give homeless folks money, do it in a way that doesn't involve apparently blowing money out of your ass guys. Just because the homeless will take the money any way they can get it, does't mean you should force them to grovel for money from your butt (of course, it isn't really, but that isn't the point)
In Atwood's defense, he has fed the homeless and given money on several occasions in previous videos in much more tasteful ways (see the link below). And, he and his team have made tons of great prank videos as well. He is actually one of the best all-around pranksters online. Though, the push to get more and more sensational has to hit a wall at some point.
It is my hope that responsible pranking will continue. But, I implore youtube pranksters to mix in a bit of common sense and refrain from doing obviously dangerous pranks and/or pranks that waste police and emergency services. To my surprise, Roman Atwood, the prankster from the "Drive by Shooting" prank recently discovered a prank that was too much for even him. But hey, stealing gas when it's over $4 a gallon could get you killed anywhere...
Thanks for reading and sharing! For a bit of comic relief, enjoy this classic SNL skit that relates to this blog perfectly :)